
Industry has designed the User Training Program, through which knowledge and functional updates on Industry products and solutions are disseminated.


Industry organizes these courses either at its facilities located at @Sant Cugat Business Park (Barcelona, Spain) or “on-site” at the client's facilities by designing a special “Company in-training” program.


Through this training program, users of industry solutions will be able to discover new tools and develop skills applicable to improving their daily work.

Subsidized training

The Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, belonging to the State Public Sector, is one of the bodies that make up the organizational structure and institutional participation of the vocational training subsystem for employment. It has a tripartite character and its board of trustees is made up of the Public Administration and the most representative business and trade union organizations.

All companies pay a training fee each year. With this fund, through the Tripartite Training for Training in Employment, companies have the right to offer their employees training actions to adapt and/or recycle their workers' knowledge.

The cost of the training activities is deducted from the contributions that your company pays to Social Security in the TC1 contribution bulletin, so training is free for your company.

Funds available for companies:

From 1 to 5 workers …… 420,00€
More than 5 workers... depending on what your company contributes to Social Security.

As a result of the above and so that users have complete knowledge of their applications, from Industry We make available to our clients:

  • Personalized implementation and training sessions for installed applications.
  • Practical courses, individual or group, on how applications work.
  • Refresher courses on innovations and improvements introduced in the applications.

Continuous training is one of the measures that companies have at their disposal, with the advantage of having economic and fiscal benefits each year.

And very importantly, it enables the updating and professional development of its employees, so that it can provide them with the most appropriate knowledge, technical skills and attitudes for effective and correct work performance. Because training workers to increase their qualifications can optimize productivity and, of course, the profitability and competitiveness of the company.

Your employees are your main asset for successfully competing in your business environment and, therefore, their training is of vital importance to maintain and increase the performance of your business.

Industry certified as a management company, offers our clients the possibility of taking training courses through the Tripartite Foundation. We are responsible for advising you and carrying out all the necessary procedures so that your company can receive a subsidy for the training it offers its employees.